Saturday, August 1, 2009

A little background

To begin w/, this blog was created because of a sudden fascination w/ metal detecting. It was something I thought was interesting since the days my family and I spent a week at Newport Beach for vacation every year. I can remember seeing (normally old guys) people metal detecting and remember telling myself "here I am sitting on this chair doing absolutely nothing, when this guy is getting some exercise (not much but more than I was) and finding money at the same time.

Well that was all I really ever thought about until one day my Pastor talked about it. All the old memories came into remembrance and I began talking to co-workers about it. Little did I know that one of them had a metal detector. (ChaChing!!) He asked if I wanted to borrow it, calmy (as if I wasn't too excited) I answered "sure dude". And off I went w/ a Bounty Hunter 2200 Discovery.

As I began telling friends and family that I was borrowing a metal detector from a co-worker, many would just laugh. Little did they know that the little Bounty Hunter 2200 Discovery would spark an intense desire to find treasure. My next interest became 'Where in the world can I find valuable treasure'. So I began to investigate all the oldest areas around where I live and what has not been developed on yet, figuring those places might still contain old coins, or interesting artifacts. I hence have learned more about the city I live in (in the last month) than my entire life. (now I'm thinking about running against a friend / nephew-in-law for mayor of Chino (one day Chris, one day).

The next part of this story merges into another friend who I talked to about metal detecting, and lucky me he was interested from the get go. Miguel and I, from about the time we both heard our Pastor talk about metal detecting jumped on the trained and investigated which metal detectors was best for what we wanted. After weeks of investigating we went w/ the same manufacturer, but slightly different models. Lucky for us both, we got our detectors within 1 day of each other. What happened to the Bounty Hunter Discovery 2200? I'll have to save that for another post.

So from the first day we took our metal detectors out, we thought of this great idea to start a blog about some of the stuff we find. Since then we've mostly looked for coins and occasional jewelry at the beach, but found interesting things. And instead of those things (that we really don't care about) being trash, now we have a reason to keep them. We'll post pics of them along w/ what else we find on this blog.

Last but not least, why the name "El Chupacabras Treasure" well you may never fully understand, but that's an inside joke w/ another close buddy Zac who represents TX. When he visits we always find something to laugh about, this last time was Chupacababras or as I say it... ChupasCabras.

That's it for now... More soon to come...

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